usually i will browsing on Yahoo! to catch up some news. so today i found this article written by Beth Greenfield. The whole article was about the friendliest countries which was chosen by the expats in a survey. but in her article, she only list down the
Top 5 countries. The full list actually was on Forbes.
So, masa tengah syok click 'next' and look on the list (as the list is in pictures), then, sampai lah kat no.9.
TERNGANGA sekejap! weh,weh,weh! MALAYSIA NO.9 weh!! BANGGA WOOO! =D
even GERMANY yang produce the best car in the world is placing at 10. hahaha!
and,and,and the best part is, MALAYSIA is the only ASIAN COUNTRY get thru in the list. singapore pun tak ada dalam list!